Wired vs. Wireless Networking Solutions: Choosing The Right Fit For Your Business

Wired vs. Wireless Networking Solutions: Choosing The Right Fit For Your Business

wired vs wireless

The world is increasingly adopting the wireless route, though businesses have continued to be wired with their networks. Businesses that have wireless networks tend to reserve them for their users, whereas employees use wired networks. Advancements in IT wired connection vs. Wi-Fi carry pros along with cons for a small or a large-sized business. When you are establishing or restricting your IT network infrastructure you need to be aware of the difference between wired and wireless connection before you go ahead.

The pros and cons of wired networks


  •  Control- With a wired network you have better control over what devices to connect to the internet. For this reason, you have better control over the security protocols on those devices where malware infection of the devices is reduced drastically.
  • Security- Coming to the choice between a wired vs. wireless network the former has a superior network. It is really hard for cyber-attackers to connect due to the improved control mechanisms where devices can access the wired network. From the device infected with malware, you are likely to come across less complications connecting to the network
  • Speed- the speed with a wired network continues to be at the higher end in comparison to the wireless network. The reason is that they are less likely to be affected by walls, devices along with other forms of interference.


  • Maintenance- This is the major difference between a wired and a wireless connection. Maintaining a wired network can be a major headache as they do not have simple software fixes. So as to repair issues with a wired network, the IT department needs to figure out which routers, wires or devices are causing the harm. Then only they will be working on them.
  • Cable cutter- In a wired connection vs. Wi-Fi the former would require wires. With more wires, you will be requiring more cables. If there is no proper cable management you will find yourself cluttered with wires that can turn out to be a hazard if not installed properly.
  • Mobility- With a wired network the employees are limited to access whenever there is a port and a cable available. So, if the employees need to have meeting in one office, there are going to be limited ports and cables. Hence all of them will not have access to files that are necessary at the meeting. For this reason, they may take turns slowing down the meeting or they could be printing out documents. That costs you a lot of money and may turn out to be a security issue at a later point in time.  All this is dependent upon the type of information that the company handles.

Wireless network

Extending our discussion about hardware vs. wired connection  let us figure out what are the positives of wireless connection


  • BYOD- Bring your own devices to work is becoming a popular concept and the wireless network is known to facilitate these policies better than a wired network.
  • Mobility- With a wireless network your employees can access important files or documents from any remote corner of the world. They will be able to bring tablets or laptops to meetings and pull out important documents to discuss. To your office productivity, they can bring about a new layer.
  • Organization- it is plain and simple wireless networks are a lot neater in comparison to a wired network. In addition, maintenance is easy with a hardware vs. wired connection as there is nothing to worry about.


  • Security- take into consideration the information along with the bandwidth they are more vulnerable in the comparison of wired vs. Wi-Fi connection. When you have a wireless connection, it becomes easy for the intruders to evade and they can hijack your signal leading to legal trouble. In the process, they are more likely to access crucial information. Most of the offices that have wireless networks do not have control over the various networks that connect to them. It is important for you to be aware of the various network security issues before you decide on a wired vs. wireless network. There is a need to keep the network security tips in hand.
  • Speed- Wireless networks are more likely to be affected by outside interference including other devices, tools etc. Due to this reason, the productivity of a wireless network tends to be slower than a wired network.

Wired or Wireless network: Which one is suitable for your business?

By now you have an idea about the difference between a wired connection vs. Wi- FI. There are several pros along cons, associated with each of them. It all depends upon your company, the information they handle and any form of regulatory protocols in place. A few companies prefer a hybrid approach where they adopt wired vs. wireless network for visitors or low-importance mobility for their users.

If you are not certain about an approach to take when it comes to wired internet vs. Wi- FI there is professional help for your guidance.

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