15 Do’s and Don’ts Of Choosing A Time Attendance System

15 Do’s and Don’ts Of Choosing A Time Attendance System

Time Attendance System

A time-tracking solution is an integral part of a company. Let us face it: honesty is the best policy, as theft among the workforce can shoot up company costs in an unnecessary manner. Below are a few prominent dos and don’ts when it comes to the choice of a time attendance system.

  • Time is important: Do keep track of it, as it is costly in business. Leaving your business without a proper method to collect and track the workforce’s time can expose the business to additional, unnoticeable costs.
  • Do not invade the privacy of staff: There is no point in preying on the activities of employees during free time. What an employee can do is monitor the activities of their employees during productive times.
  • Staff participation has to be part of the solution: Certain attendance solution systems can be one-sided, where the employee has the upper hand when it comes to staff attendance. The system is to be designed in such a manner that employees can request access to change.
  • Make it easy: For everyone to use the system. Everyone should be able to use it without evading their space and privacy.
  • Do not spend time on manual processes: Like the conventional punch card, where HR has to accumulate data at the end of the month. You need to subscribe to a solution that provides you with automated and reliable data.
  • Have a flexible system: That caters to all forms of scenarios in your organization for different schedules, variable pay rates, multiple shifts, and connections to payroll.
  • Do not ignore past events: Just because they are over. To improve your organization, rely on historical data and remedy any issues you have with your workforce based on real data.
  • Do have real-time flexibility: It provides convenience to the end user. In this age and time, real-time data is valuable for any company to process and view instantly.
  • Do not invest in a system that makes buddy punching impossible: Having a lot of buddies at your workplace is a plus, but someone punching on your behalf is identity theft. Even the GPS location tag should be one of your choices.
  • Do connect with payroll and important features: Having a system that can integrate with other important systems can seamlessly eradicate a lot of workload and pressure in no time at all.
  • Do have a positive UX or greater user experience: For the users to be familiar with, at ease with, and navigate the solution, they have to be guided or assisted by technical people.
  • Do not be afraid to invest in a system as systems and technology evolve: Through time in the market, it is expected to extend support to the most viable solutions. Holding on to something that does not hold value is ineffective.
  • Do comply with the law of the country: Lack of compliance is expensive and damaging. The time attendance system that you choose should be able to meet the law’s requirements and adhere to the company’s policy.
  • Choose a system that has a future: The reason being that things change according to time and business needs. A trend may not last for a considerable period of time, and something else may take over.
  • Do not forget to test before you invest: With any system that you use, you need to check out the feasibility of the system before giving your commitment.

To sum up, the choice of the right attendance system can potentially reduce unnecessary spending. The system can train the employees to become disciplined workers that are worth the investment of the company.

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